DRT-Anthea Aroma Chemicals Private Ltd., Roha, Raigad, tells the benefits of Diphoterine over chemical solvent incident
Benefits of Diphoterine over chemical solvent incident.
Date: 27th May 2014
To Whomsoever It May Concern
We had procured Diphoterine manufactured by PREVOR at our organization and have benefited from its use as per the incident listed below:
Eyes contamination with Solvent: There was an instance where in we had splashing of solvent in the eyes of one of our workers. During ETP operation, the operator slipped and fell down while carrying an oil bucket. He lost his safety goggle and got injured near his eyes. We immediately applied Diphoterine solution on his eyes and within a minute the irritation subsided completely. After the doctor’s visit, no further symptoms were reported.
We feel that Diphoterine has proved to be a good first aid measure in many circumstances and hence we strongly recommend its use. Moreover we are handling acid & alkali product. We have made provision for Diphoterine solutions in all our plant for emergency cases.
DRT-Anthea Aroma Chemicals Private Ltd., Roha, Raigad