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We are scientists making technology useful to our customers and reducing an accident to an incident

baseline-home / Testimonies / Diphoterine® / Agrocel Industries Pvt. Ltd., Avania-Bhavnagar, recommends all companies handling corrosive chemicals to equip their sites with Diphoterine which ensures the safety in case of an accident

Agrocel Industries Pvt. Ltd., Avania-Bhavnagar, recommends all companies handling corrosive chemicals to equip their sites with Diphoterine which ensures the safety in case of an accident

Recommendations to have Diphoterine as a first-aid kit against chemical splash.

Date: 27-01-2025

To Whomsoever it may concern

We are from Agrocel Industries Pvt. Ltd., and our plant is located in Avania-Bhavnagar and we are specialized in manufacturing of Specialty Chemicals.

We manually handle corrosive / irritants chemicals like HBr Acid while unloading. We face chemical risk as E.g. Corrosive chemicals emit dense corrosive fumes in moist air.

Our plant is equipped with Diphoterine Solution manufactured by Prevor, France, in chemical handling area. It is a first aid for chemical burns. We have installed Diphoterine LMPE.DS, LIS (50ml Eyewash) & MICRO (100ml Skin Spray) in our plant.

Our employees are regularly trained by Prevor, HSE Solutions Pvt. Ltd. on the use of Diphoterine. We also have printed the usage protocol in our Plant Safety Booklet.

We are convinced in case of an accident we would be well protected as Diphoterine Solution is an active and effective solution. Since its portable they can easily carry with them. Unlike water Diphoterine Solution is safe for rinsing.

We recommend all companies handling corrosive chemicals to equip their sites with Diphoterine which ensures the safety of employees in case of an accident, and it also reduces work loss and immediately reduces the pain of the victim.


Agrocel Industries Ltd., Avania-Bhavnagar
