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We are scientists making technology useful to our customers and reducing an accident to an incident

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Anthem Biosciences Pvt. Ltd., Hosur Road, Bangalore says the effective use of Diphoterine over chemical incident’s

Effective use of Diphoterine over chemical incident's.

Ref No: EHS/2013-14

Date: 14th September 2013


To Whomsoever it may concern

We had procured Diphoterine manufactured by PREVOR at our organization and have benefited from its use as per the incidents listed below:

Spill of MDC: There was an instance where in we had spill of MDC on the eyes of a person. The spill occurred due to transfer of MDC from a carboy to a day tank. Due to the spill, there was eye irritation. Within about a minute, Diphoterine was used and the irritation subsided completely.

Spill of concentrated sulphuric acid on the skin: There was an instance where in we had a minor spill (around 2 to 3 drops) of concentrated sulphuric acid during dispensing. Diphoterine was used after about 2 to 3 minutes upon which the burning sensation had completely reduced. There was also no damage to the skin due to immediate application of Diphoterine.

Itching on the skin: We have had an instance where in one of the personnel had experienced itching itching on the skin due to exposure to a halogenated organic compound. Diphoterine was applied and it was observed that this reduced the physical discomfort.

We feel that Diphoterine has proved to be a good first aid measure in many instances and hence we strongly recommended its use.


Anthem Biosciences Pvt. Ltd., Hosur Road, Bangalore
