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RCF Hospital, RCF Chembur, says about effective use of Diphoterine over 68% conc. Sulphuric Acid

Effective use of Diphoterine over 68% conc. Sulphuric Acid.

Date: 10th April 2019


To Whomsoever It May Concern

WE have purchased Diphoterine Eyewash Kit (Both Ampoule & Spray) from M/s HSE Solutions Pvt. Ltd., which represents M/S Prevor, for our organization and found that it worked well as per following incident happened in our plant.
Spill of Sulphuric Acid while taking Sample for analysis: While taking sample of 68% Sulphuric Acid for regular analysis, due to line pressure of the acid carrying line, it splashed on the operator who was taking sample. Splashed acid came directly on his face and eyes. As a standard practice, our operators always carry Diphoterine ampoule in their pocket, while carrying out such activities. He immediately made use of this on his face and eyes. Later he was shifted to hospital. On checking his eyes, Ophthalmologist commented that his eyes were saved by used of Diphoterine. His eyes and face were becoming normal after a day’s rest, and he was discharged from hospital.
We feel that Diphoterine has proved to be a good first aid measure in many instances & we strongly recommend its use.


RCF Hospital, RCF Chembur
