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baseline-home / Testimonies / Diphoterine® / Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited, Panambur, tells about the benefits & effective use of Diphoterine over the case of Sulphuric Acid splash

Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited, Panambur, tells about the benefits & effective use of Diphoterine over the case of Sulphuric Acid splash

Benefits & Effective use of Diphoterine over the case of Sulphuric Acid splash

Date: 01/03/2022

To whomsoever it may concern

We at Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited, Panambur handle Sulphuric Acid, HCL Acid and Phosphoric Acid in our manufacturing process. We purchase Diphoterine first-aid solution (for skin burns) from HSE Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai (subsidiary of PREVOR) regularly. We have kept these solutions in various locations in the plant area and employees are trained in using the same in case of emergency.

Case of Sulphuric Acid splash: After loading a tanker with Sulphuric Acid in our plant, the attender of the tanker had skin burns on the back and shoulder area due to the acid splash that was left in the pipeline. Diphoterine first aid solution was used immediately by our officer and the affected area was washed thoroughly with the solution. Later on follow up we found that the severity and the damage caused by the acid was minimal due to the usage of Diphoterine solution.

Diphoterine solution was used in few other instances like this in our Industry with good recovery and minimal morbidity. We recommend the use of this solution as a good First-aid measure. We are also happy that the supply is very prompt and representatives from HSE Solutions Pvt. Ltd., conduct regular awareness programs for the employees.


Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited, Panambur
