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baseline-home / Testimonies / Diphoterine® / Vibrant Fine Chem, Mfg. of Bromination, Dahej-Bharuch, says that Diphoterine has proved to be a good first-aid measure & recommend its use against chemical splash

Vibrant Fine Chem, Mfg. of Bromination, Dahej-Bharuch, says that Diphoterine has proved to be a good first-aid measure & recommend its use against chemical splash

Diphoterine has proved to be a good first-aid measure

Date – 08-06-2022


To whomsoever it may concern

We at Vibrant Fine Chem, Dahej handle Bromine, Caustic Lye & H2SO4 in our manufacturing process. We had purchase Diphoterine first aid solution (for eye & skin burns) from HSE Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai (Subsidiary of PREVOR, France) regularly. We have kept the solutions in various risk locations in the plant and employees are trained in using the same in case of chemical burns emergency.


Case of Bromine Splash: While filling of bromine bottle due to slippery hand gloves bottle slips from worker hand and bromine splashes on face of worker, he immediately wash his face with Diphoterine 100ml spray. After this incident our supervisor take him to nearby clinic and doctor confirmed there were no skin burn neither eye damaged. After 2hrs of this incident he came back to work without any injury. Next day after incident there was no any marks or anything on his face.

We feel that Diphoterine has proved to be a good first-aid measure in many instances and we strongly recommend its use. We are also happy that the supply is very prompt and representatives from HSE Solutions Pvt. Ltd., conduct regular awareness training for the employees.


Vibrant Fine Chem, Mfg. of Bromination, Dahej-Bharuch
