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baseline-home / Testimonies / Diphoterine® / Vijayasri Organics Pvt. Ltd., Vizag, recommends to have Diphoterine as a first-aid kit in case of any chemical splash

Vijayasri Organics Pvt. Ltd., Vizag, recommends to have Diphoterine as a first-aid kit in case of any chemical splash

Recommendations to have Diphoterine as a first-aid kit against chemical splash.

Date: 28-11-2024

To Whomsoever it may concern

Sub: Satisfactory result of Diphoterine when used as an anti-dote for Phosphorus oxychloride exposure…. Reg.

Dear Sir,

Our site is well equipped with Diphoterine, which is to use in case of accidental exposure of Phosphorus oxychloride.

One of our employees accidently got Phosphorus oxychloride exposure while working on Phosphorus oxychloride lines. Within a three minutes, we have Diphoterine on affected area of Phosphorus oxychloride splash and found very good result.

We got the wound examined by the doctor and he too have appreciate the result of Diphoterine.

Employee was able to resume work within an hour on the same day.

I would recommend all users to have this first-aid kit in case of any chemical accidently splash.


Vijayasri Organics Pvt. Ltd., Vizag
